[quote style=”boxed”]For me, the word “exercise” always carried the expectation of “should”: I should exercise, I should exercise more, I should exercise more consistently. [/quote]
Does this sound familiar!? 🙂
Nia took my “shoulds” away when my teacher said, “Move in your body’s way. There’s no judgement.”
The dance felt natural, liberating, and just plain fun! Getting rid of the “shoulds” helped me find the joy of movement and a desire to keep coming to class. Nia tricked me into getting healthier, happier, and stronger.
Nia is based in the dance arts, martial arts, and healing arts. This is why it fits so well with all the other wonderful offerings at Balanced Movement Studio. While Nia is cardio exercise, its basis in the healing arts keeps it low- to no-impact. The choreography is simple and builds slowly, bringing ease to your nervous system and giving you the chance to break unhealthy movement patterns.
Nia doesn’t just provide cardio and conditioning. The healing arts teach better body awareness and self-healing. The martial arts bring power and organic precision to your movement. The dance arts bring fun choreography and free dance to help you find your personal expression. Nia seeks wellness in body, mind, spirit, and emotion for EVERY BODY. Plus, the music is really, really good! 🙂
Nia meets me no matter how I’m feeling. As I get stronger, my dance continues to grow more athletic and precise. But I have gone to Nia class with everything from joint injuries to migraines… and every time I feel better going out than when I came in. I still get the benefits of Nia when I’m willing to make my movements smaller and slower. Which is okay…because there are no “shoulds”.
[box size=”medium”]Discover the joy of movement for yourself! Classes are Mondays and Wednesdays at 9:30 am. A single class is $12. A 5-class pass is $50, and an 10-class pass is $80. [/box]
[button link=”https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/home?studioid=10135″ bg_color=”#e6e6e6″ text=”dark”]Sign Up Now![/button]