Balanced Movement for Endurance Sports – How To Get Started

[box]Welcome to Balanced Movement for Endurance Sports![/box]

These weekly workouts are designed to supplement running, biking, swimming.
There are a few things to do when you first join to optimize the experience. Read on!

STEP 1:  Sign up for the workouts through our Vimeo On Demand Page. The button on the page looks like this:

STEP 2:  Once you’re registered, click the “RECEIVE UPDATES” button and enter your email address. This will allow us to gather your email address as a subscriber so we can keep you posted on recent news and features. This will also allow Vimeo to notify you automatically every time we put out a new video.

STEP 3: Download and print out a copy of our Mindful Movement Practice Log. This is optional, but we think it’s a vital tool for keeping track of your progress.

STEP 4: Request to join our special Weekly Workouts Facebook group: this as a private Facebook group where we’ll post updates and discuss the current weeks’ workout with our physical therapists, trainers, and like-minded athletes. Maybe you’ll make some friends, training partners, and “accountabili-buddies” in the process!

STEP 5: Head back over to our Vimeo On Demand Page and familiarize yourself with the page format. All the workouts are listed numerically (see the screenshot to the right.)

Begin by watching the BMFES Welcome video (#1) and the Mindful Movement Warmup (#2), and then give the Foundational Strength workout (#3) a try. The videos will walk you through the process step-by-step.

STEP 6: Jump on in! Try a workout, ask us questions, and give us your feedback (either direct emails or via the Facebook group)

An ongoing log of Frequently Asked Questions and answers regarding using these workouts can be found here.