I want to train for the Uwharrie Mountain Run, which workouts do I do?
Follow this 12 week supplemental strength workout plan targeting Uwharrie Mountain Run 2/3/18.
11/13: Basic Strength for Trail Running I
11/20: Basic Strength for Trail Running II
11/27: Basic Strength for Trail Running III
12/4: Uphill Power I
12/11: Uphill Power II
12/18: Fast Springy Downhills / Cadence I
12/25: Fast Springy Downhills / Cadence II
1/1: Smooth Cornering and Changing Directions
1/8: Roots, Rocks and Streams / Agility
1/15: Uphill Power and Spring
1/22: High Mileage Recovery
1/29: Taper and Race Prep
We suggest that people perform the workout 2-3 times per week. It is a circuit style workout, so you can maximize flexibility. Do 1-4 circuits, based on the time you have available and fatigue level for the day.
The exercise seems too complicated / I don’t understand what I am trying to do.
Visit our “Breaking It Down” instructional video library page; send us your questions or even a video of you doing the exercise. We can build a “Breaking It Down” video for your needs.
Which Workout Should I Start With?
If you are new to adding strength and core training to your endurance sport routine, then we suggest you start with the foundation workout for 2 weeks. Then progress through the first 4 workouts in the program, doing each workout for 2 weeks. At that point you can join in with the current workout.
If you already incorporate some level of strength and core work into your endurance activities, then you can begin with the current workout. If you are not sure, ask us.
How to contact us:
Via email bbeatty@balanced-movement.com or Facebook page Balanced Movement for Endurance Sports
If you have a questions, others are probably asking the same thing. We can answer you individually.
What to contact us about:
- Have a question about an exercise or can’t seem to find the movement pattern we describe
- Feeling excessive strain or discomfort with an exercise
- Not sure how an exercise applies to your sport.
- Need a modification for your situation or equipment availability.
- Have a request for a specific training or body healing need to be addressed.
- Have information you would like to share or discuss with the group.
To get stronger as quickly as possible, should I do the workout once per day, once every other day (for recovery/rebuilding), or do the parts that feel most relevant several times a day?
These workouts are designed to be done a maximum of 3 times a week, assuming that you are continuing with other activities (run, bike, swim, etc.). In order to get stronger, you have to allow adequate recovery time for the body.
If you want to maximize the benefit, focusing on learning the pattern and developing the feeling within your body of the pattern and desired muscle activation. This is point of including the Mindful Warm Up segment. The Mindful Warm Up (or more accurately stated, Attention Based Neuromuscular Learning) can be done multiple times in a day. Just repeat the exercise movements slowly, under minimal load, 3-4 reps, several times during the day. The goal here is to FEEL the movement, but not create muscular fatigue or stress. You do not have to do all of the exercise this way. If you feel certain moves or elements of moves are ‘most relevant’ to you, then start by focusing on those.
If I can’t do all the reps right now for a particular exercise, should I stay with this workout video until I work my way up to completing all the recommended reps?
Don’t focus on the recommended sets and reps. They are general guidelines, not specific targets or goals. It is more important to focus onto form of the movement and do the sets and reps that you can currently do. Emphasize Quality over Quantity. The workouts are designed to change every 2 weeks. There are many levels of embedded logic in the selection and progression of the workouts. We are altering areas of physiological stress as well as neuromuscular challenge. Balanced Movement Online’s goal is to continually refine, balance and enhance the body and movement resource building blocks that make up the sports we do.
Do I need a gym membership for these workouts?
No, but having access to a variety of equipment is most convenient. A lot of the exercises can be accomplished with a moderate home setup. If you don’t have access to a particular piece of equipment, contact us. We can recommend an alternative exercise or method to rig up alternative equipment for home use.
I want to do the workouts at home. Do you have suggestions on what equipment I need and where to get it?
Yes, please reference this post on how to equip yourself for a functional home workout when space and equipment resources are limited.
What’s the best place to buy some of that Theraband material?
We have purchased from Power Systems and Perform Better for years and are fans of their product and service commitment. You can do the lateral walks with tubing or bands around the ankles, but for optimal results, we recommend getting the Versa-cuff tubing that has velcro cuffs. The medium resistance (red) or heavy (blue) work best for the lateral walk exercises. The cuff will be used in many different formats as we proceed with the workouts.
Early in the video it flashes up a summary table listing the exercises and number of reps and sets to get to for each. Could I get that in document form so I can print it and consult it quickly without having to use the video after the first few times?
Yes, We can send it in a separate email, just send a request and specify the workout of interest. The Vimeo On Demand platform does not make embedding links easy. We are still working out the kinks on creating a secure way to get subscribers all of the supplemental material without making it public. Saving a screen shot of the workout list can be useful as well. All thoughts, feedback and suggestions are welcomed.
Video Types:
Workout Videos slowly and clearly demonstrate the form of each exercise for a given workout. Use these to learn and refine your exercise form.
“Breaking It Down” videos are more explanation based. With them we expand on a specific topic, theme or question. We also use these to explain the logic, goals and functional purposes of a workout. They provide a format for discussing how to maximize the carryover of the workout into your sport.
Supplemental Video content is more generally applicable information for endurance sports.