Maximizing an Event Specific Training Plan

Goal events, Marathon, Half-Marathons and Ultras of all terrains give us focus and motivation. We create specific run training programs for the event and put in the miles in a specific and thoughtful manner. Tempo workouts, cadence, uphill, downhill, speed work, steady pace, recovery pace, condition specifics …, all of these themes get put into the run training for optimal event preparation.

Rarely does the same focus and preparation carry over into how we prepare our bodies for, and recover from, the training miles. However, non-running (Supplemental Strength and Skills) part of a training plan can be critical for maximizing the benefit of the training. The goal of the base weeks should prepare you for the upcoming heavier run volume. Once you are solidly in the training schedule, it is a good time to relax the supplemental workout intensity, and focus on refining certain skills or elements of running form. As the run volume reaches maximal intensity, the supplemental work focus shifts to helping the body continue and recover from the running without breaking. Following this strategy, the intensity / volume of the supplemental work can have a balancing effect on the run volume.

It’s hard to do it all. But a little bit can go a long way. The most common event specific training shortcomings are: primarily, doing nothing; secondarily, doing the same thing without respect to training plan goals; and lastly, doing too much in a way that compromises recovery and training benefit.

This targeted non-run time training is Supplemental and Skills Training. The goal is to use it to maximize run performance. It has a different focus and purpose than Cross or Alternate training. Cross Training is valuable, but cross training has the focus on doing activities and patterns that are movement and functionally different from running. The goal of cross training is the give the body a break from the repetitive patterns of running. Tennis, basketball, paddling would be cross training activities. Swimming, cycling, elliptical are Alternate Training activities. They are not cross training, since they fundamentally subject the body to the same stress patterns as running. They can be great alternatives to run mileage, but the activity goal is for the similar result as a running workout. The exercises and activities in the ideal Supplemental and Skills workouts should have very specific goals that complement each progression in the run training plan.

Sample 16 week training plan Supplemental Running Strength and Skills workout schedule

WeekSupplemental WorkoutWorkout FocusSample Exercise / Movement
16-15Basic Run Strength and Mobility 1Activating and Balancing Primary Running Muscle GroupsStep Up with Back Leg Hover
14-13Basic Run Strength and Mobility 2Finding the “Running Core”Plank with Hand Taps
12-11Single Leg Stability and Rotational Control 1Bringing Control onto a Single LegSingle Leg Squat Cone Touch
10-9Single Leg Stability and Rotational Control 2Hip/Shoulder Rotation/Counter-rotation for Upright BalanceHeisman Lunge
8-7Landing Dynamics 1Solving OverstridingEmpty Step Walking with Weight Overhead
6-5Landing Dynamics 2Finding Soft and Light FeetFoot Taps on Step
4Recovery and Form Refinement 2Restore Quickness to Tired LegsButt Kicks with Knee Moving Back
3-2Recovery and Form Refinement 1Relaxing and Finding FlowHopping Hip Circles
1Race PrepPriming the Mind and Body for PerformanceIntro to Runner’s Savasana

Full Program

Sample Exercise Videos below:

Step Up with Back Leg Hover

Plank with Hand Taps

Single Leg Squat Cone Touch

Heisman Lunge

Empty Step Walking with Weight Overhead

Foot Taps on Step

Butt Kicks with Knee Moving Back

Hopping Hip Circles

Intro to Runner’s Savanna



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