Category: Feldenkrais®

  • Calming the Nervous System

    Calming the Nervous System

    Live Zoom Class – Wednesday’s 5:30 Starting Wednesday 4/22, Karen will be teaching live via Zoom. Attendance will be charged against current class passes. The Zoom class will open at 5:15, and you’ll be in the Waiting Room first (a security measure) then we will admit you to the class. This will allow folks to…

  • Felden-WHAT? 12 Benefits of Feldenkrais®

    Felden-WHAT? 12 Benefits of Feldenkrais®

    You’re scanning the list of classes offered at Balanced Movement Studio, wondering what to take. Your eyes slide right past the title “FELDENKRAIS®” because you’ve never heard of it. Maybe you thought “Felden-WHAT???” Your conclusion: “Whatever it is, it’s not for me”.