RSS Shelter In Workout 2

Running Skills and Strength weekly workouts

Shelter In: Workout 2: Dynamic Support for the Home Foundation

In this workout we refine our control of the basic movement elements needed for efficient running. The focus is on being supported as we move forward.

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We will do this Circuit Workout, 45 sec on, 15 sec rest, 4 rounds.  (Videos Below)

1. Side Lunge to High Stand with Ankle Tubing
2. Windshield Wiper Legs with Arm Reach
3. Plank to Down Dog
4. Standing Hip Extension with Ankle Tubing
5. Reverse Curl Sit Up
6. Lunge Back to Forward
7. Double Leg Jump In Place
8. Single Leg Bridge
9. Side Plank with Torso Rotation

Extra cueing based on what we saw last week

Supplemental / Breaking It Down for added benefit

1. Side Lunge to High Stand – Instructional
4. Standing Hip Extension with Ankle Cable – detailed
6. Breaking It Down: Forward and Back Lunge with Focus on Hip
6. Applying ‘Moving From Hip’ Focus to Lunges
7. Squat, Controlling Alignment Using Stick / Dowel
7. Squat Form: Parallel Lines to Avoid Spine Strain
8. Bridge Finding Neutral Pelvis
8. RSS Single Leg Bridge, Instructional, Tying It Together to find stable leg in standing
9. Side Plank withTorso Rotation, Turning From Hips

Workout Videos

Tying It Together
Do this after you have finished the exercise set. This maximizes the carry over of the exercises into actual changes in you running.

Exploration of how the coordination of hip, knee and ankle extending the leg behind the body provides support in gait. The dynamic support of the back leg provides a buffering of the impact forces on the front leg.

Supplemental / Breaking It Down for added benefit

1. Side Lunge to High Stand – Instructional
4. Standing Hip Extension with Ankle Cable – detailed
6. Breaking It Down: Forward and Back Lunge with Focus on Hip
6. Applying ‘Moving From Hip’ Focus to Lunges
7. Squat, Controlling Alignment Using Stick / Dowel
7. Squat Form: Parallel Lines to Avoid Spine Strain
8. Bridge Finding Neutral Pelvis
8. RSS Single Leg Bridge, Instructional, Tying It Together to find stable leg in standing
9. Side Plank withTorso Rotation, Turning From Hips