Fleet Feet Full & Half Marathon Training: Hill Workout + Strength


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  • Dynamic warm up as a group – see below 3 min
  • Run for (to) the hills – 15 easy warm up
  • 3 hill repeats at 15 seconds each (HARD EFFORT) – In-between each repeat you’ll have an exercise to do that will be 30 to 60 seconds long.
    • (1) Step Back Lunge (Do It On One) – drop into the back of the hip, hover & lift back foot, drive up from the hip
    • Hill Repeat 1 focus: Run up the hill pushing from the glutes
    • (2) Quick Light Hops – small hops landing with no sound, quick feet, land under body, fast free and easy turnover
    • Hill Repeat 2 focus: light landing, quick turnover, practice light landing coming back down the hill – run fast down the hills with quick turnover
    • (3) Side Step Lunge to High Stand use your hips and core to control the momentum
    • Hill Repeat 3 focus: find stability quickly with each foot strike
  • 2 min rest
  • 3 repeats at 30 seconds each (HARD EFFORT) – In-between each repeat you’ll have an exercise to do that will be 30 to 60 seconds long.
    • (4) Plank Mountain Climbers – hold plank, switching feet forward & back, keep pelvis low, not bouncing up and down; focus on quick turnover of the legs under a stable pelvis
    • Hill Repeat 4 focus: quick legs moving under a stable pelvis
    • (5) Running Man with Back Leg Spring – sets of 10 & switch legs – quick spring of the legs, keep majority of the weight in the front, but land and quickly spring off the back leg into the running position
    • Hill Repeat 5 focus: Push fully through the back leg and spring it forward
    • (6) hopping lunge – keep body low, quick turnover with power
    • Hill Repeat 6 focus:run with power from the minute the feet land
  • 2 min rest
  • 3 repeats at 60 seconds each (HARD EFFORT) – In-between each repeat you’ll have an exercise to do that will be 30 to 60 seconds long.
    • (7) walking lungetouch front foot with both hands, lift back leg and hover, forward lean to turn on glutes, stride back leg through to land softly in front of you
    • Hill Repeat 7 focus:Smooth even power through the whole stride cycle
    • (8) Lateral Hop (balance out by moving to side) – hop off one foot to the side, land opposite foot, quick hop to change feet, 10 each side then turn to switch sides
    • Hill Repeat 8 focus:Feel the engagement of the deep gluteal muscles with each foot strike
    • (9) Lateral Bounding Hop side to side while moving forward, quick recover of balance.
    • Hill Repeat 9 focus: feel how to support the sideways movement to hold a very straight line forward.
  • 2 min walking rest
  • Run back to the start – 10 min easy cool down.
  • Dynamic Cool Down 3-5 min.    www.balanced-movement.com/cooldown


Exercise Videos

(1) step back lunge with hover

(2) light quick hops

(3) standing running core crunch

(3) side step lunge to high stand

(4) Mountain Climber Plank (video uses a slide board; for this workout hop legs into alternating positions)

(5) running man hops

(6) hopping lunge

(7) walking lunge, toe touch & hover to high stand

(8) lateral hops, switching feet

(9) lateral bounding


Dynamic Warm up for running

Dynamic Cool Down

Workout done on 2017-08-29/30

If you like this workout, give our online workout program and community for Endurance Sport a try.
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