Category: Core Corner
Introducing: Running Strength & Skills Online Workouts!
A perfect complement to our Monday morning Running Strength & Skills Class, our new online subscription program gives you access to ALL of our current and future running strength, skills, and educational programs for just $15 bucks a month!
Single Leg Squat Cone Touch
By Brian Beatty | The objective of this theoretically simple, but realistically challenging exercise is to refine your control when on one leg so that your energy expenditure in running goes toward moving you forward, not just holding you upright. Source: Core Corner
Core Corner: Single Leg Squat Cone Touch
The objective of this move is theoretically simple, but realistically challenging exercise is to refine your control when on one leg so that your energy expenditure in running goes toward moving you forward, not just holding you upright.
Walking with Weight Overhead
By Brian Beatty | This exercise builds leg and torso strength. Moving while holding a weight overhead will challenge your ability to find and hold your center over your feet. Source: Core Corner
Musings on the Cycling Core (our new online program!)
Our goal with this program is to give bicycle riders a super clear, cycling-specific understanding about the purpose of training your core in a focused, time-efficient way. We talk about concrete goals (i.e., minimizing hips rocking on the saddle, the ability to control your upper body and hips when climbing or sprinting, so you can…
Plank Following Breath
By Elizabeth Towe | In this exercise we are adapting a basic core exercise to practice achieving ‘Flow’ state when you do any activity. Source: Core Corner
Plank with Knee to Elbow
By Elizabeth Towe | Plank, as a basic exercise, is excellent for [static] full-body stability. Source: Core Corner
Plank with Hand Lifts
By Elizabeth Towe | This time we are taking the basic plank and adding quick hand lifts. Source: Core Corner
Core Corner – Side Plank with Top Leg Swinging Forward and Back
Last month we worked on a basic plank, with four points of contact (hands and feet). This month we move to a more challenging side plank, with only two points of contact, and add challenge by taking the top leg away from the support and moving it in space
Heisman Lunge
By Elizabeth Towe In trail running, hip and core stability rule! Whether it is a smooth fire road or technical single-track trail, you need to be able to transfer weight quickly from one leg to the other and hold your body stable. To achieve this stability, the arms and shoulders must remain parallel with the pelvis while the legs…