Fleet Feet Monday Crew Workout

October 17, 2016 Workout

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  1. Easy warm up laps as desired on your own
  2. 6:00 PM:  Start with group dynamic warm up
  3. 10 x 10 10 exercises, 10 laps
  4. Dynamic cool down & Body Inventory

Question & Answer available after if desired


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1-2 min exercise set, immediately into 400 at 10K Race Pace (adjust as needed); 90 sec rest / next exercise demo; repeat x 10.


Exercise Progression Themes

(1) Quick Light Feet
(2) Rotating Around a Stable Spine
(3) Driving Forward from Hip & Knee


Exercise Sequence:

  • Quick Light Feet
  • Plank alternating leg hops
  • Quick toe taps on steps
  • Single Leg hop onto Box / Bleachers
  • Rotating Around a Stable Spine
  • Windshield wipers
  • V sit with rotations
  • Runner’s Crunch
  • Driving Forward from Hip & Knee
  • Lateral hop & toe touch
  • Lunge, forward bend, hover & high stand
  • Jumping Lunge
  • Putting It Together
  • Side Plank with top leg running

Exercise Videos:

Plank alternating leg hops

Quick toe taps on steps

Single Leg hop onto Box / Bleachers

Windshield wipers

V sit c rotations

Lateral hop & toe touch

Lunge, forward bend, hover & high stand

Jumping Lunge

Side Plank with top leg running



