Intelligently incorporating plyometric drills into your running routine can help build speed, efficiency and tissue durability. In this workout, the goal is to have a smaller number of exercise reps (we use 60 here) and focus on generating maximum explosive power on each jump repetition.
[box]WARM UP [/box]
[dropcap]1[/dropcap] Easy pace running
10 minutes
[dropcap]2[/dropcap] Dynamic Warm Up for Plyometric Workout
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[box]CIRCUIT 1: REPEAT 2X [/box]
[dropcap]1[/dropcap]Double Leg Drop Jumps (off bleacher or step)
10 jumps [toggle title_open=”Hide video” title_closed=”View video” style=”white”]
[dropcap]2[/dropcap]800 M run
Moderate pace
[box]CIRCUIT 2: REPEAT 2X [/box]
[dropcap]1[/dropcap]Lateral Bounding into Single Leg Hop
20 jumps (10 each leg)
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[dropcap]2[/dropcap]800 M run
Moderate pace
[box]CIRCUIT 3: REPEAT 2X [/box]
[dropcap]1[/dropcap]Jumping Lunge / Scissor Lunge
10 jumps
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[dropcap]2[/dropcap]400 M run
Moderate pace
[box]COOL DOWN [/box]
[dropcap]*[/dropcap] Dynamic Cool Down
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[box type=”info”]Notes and Videos
This workout based upon Smruti Shah, DPT’s article in Endurance Magazine. Read this for more information about incorporating plyometrics into run training.[/box]
If the drop jump is challenging or painful, you can substitute:
If coordinating the Lateral Bounding to Single Leg Hop is challenging, work on each component as a separate exercise. When each component feels smooth, then work on combining them.
With all of the jumps, maintaining a straight line from the front with the hip, knee and ankle is critical for knee safety.
If the drop landing was difficult or painful in the first exercise, use this as a reference to work on improving your landing form before trying to jump from the landing position.