May 16, 2017 Workout
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- Quick Assessment of Aches and Pain – Red, Yellow, Green Light
- Finding Center and Finding Hip Joints
- Warm Up: Why is it important, What should be in it, How it Should Address the Fundamentals of Gait (run or walk)
- Run / Walk Workout – Nobo I: 1.5 miles in neighborhood, Nobo 2: pacing workout on track
- Cool Down: Why is it important, What should be in it, How it Should Address the Fundamentals of Gait (run or walk)
Purpose of a Warm Up:
- prepare the body & nervous system for the desired activity
- gradually increase heart rate
- loosen muscles & tendons
- lubricate the joints
- wake up the nervous system.
- why warm up?: neuro; physio; heart rate; blood flow; match activity to task;
- Guide the increasing complexity of task.
Warm Up Exercise Sequence: (videos below)
Walk/Run Warm Up
Stand Tall on One Leg
Lunge Stretch – calf, front of hip, progress to arms overhead, turning chest and shoulders
Hip Circles – feet & knees stable, circle hip joints & move pelvis
Butt Kicks
High Knee to Heel to Butt
Forward Leg swings
Lateral lunge stretch – stable one hip and open other, moving through weight shift
Cross Body Leg Swings
Swoops (targeting hamstrings/calves)
Hacky-sacks (tap inside of foot while in a sort of figure 4 position), front & back
Scratched Dog – stand on one leg and circle the other leg like running, swing back
Purpose of Cool Down
- Restore normal mobility and resting tone to the muscles and tendons
- Allow progressive decrease in heart rate and return to normal
- Facilitate clearing of metabolic waste to diminish soreness and stiffness post exercise
Run/ Walk Cool Down (Videos Below)
Forward Fold – Let It Hang
Backward Bend, Side Bends
Hands on Shins, Squat alternating head & pelvis
Step Back to Lunge: calf, knee bent & straight, front of hip, arm overhead and twist away
Straighten Front leg to Triangle Pose: push back hip, turn opposite arm slide down inside of leg
Repeat opposite side
Standing Quadriceps Stretch
Figure 4 – Ankle on knee, sit into hip
Final Forward Fold and Hang
Detailed Warm Up Video with Explanations
Summary Video of Warm Up Movements
Cool Down Video
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